In a world plagued by climate upheaval, two stories intertwine: that of a family forced to leave their homeland devastated by a natural disaster, and that of a flock of migratory birds struggling to survive unpredictable environmental changes. While the humans cross borders and dangers, the birds fly over battered landscapes, symbolizing resilience in the face of the unknown. A poignant parallel to migration, where the instinct to survive transcends species.
In one hour, we had to create a beer label for a fictitious brand in Photoshop. Among other things, this exercise was an introduction to layers and clipping masks. As a result, I created a label for Beernard beer, with a pun I'll let you deduce!
As an introduction to Illustrator and to mastering its basics, we had to merge characters of our choice with the famous mushroom from the Mario license. For my part, I decided to choose Pikachu from the Pokémon license, Candy from Les Zinzins de l'esapce and Le Titan Colossal from L'Attaque des Titans. I'll let you discover the result!
For this project, the aim was to choose an artist, an artistic movement, and draw inspiration from it to produce a wine label, “à la manière de”. I therefore decided to choose the art deco movement and, more specifically, to take inspiration from the Jägermeister drink (a lumberjack's drink, which says a lot about my character).
For this project, we had one week to design a poster on a given theme, then make it interactive. My group chose the theme “Cinézic - Argelès-Gazost”. We decided to focus on the town's and the region's heritage. So we decided to set the Pic du Midi de Bigorre, the village church and then the stage and jump seats in the background. On the interaction, musical instruments are present and sounds are played.
Insert a personality of your choice in a letter that corresponds to it. I chose Thomas Ramos, fullback at Stade Toulousain Rugby, my favorite player at the club, whom I've supported since I was a kid. I'm pretty happy with the result, even if the basic photo isn't quite good enough...
Make a minimalist movie poster in just an hour? Of course, I'll do it right away.
I chose Tony Scott's “Top Gun” - no need to introduce it, it's a classic of the 7th art.